

MB Documentation II

Author: LMN
Year: 2008
Description: various documentation

mb-mod ZIP file- MB PCB modifications and improvements
mb-print Source code of print routine for MB02+
Prometheus128_MB02 Czech manual (Eye/K3L) for PROMETHEUS 128 MB02 version (JORDAN)




Authors: LMN (PCB); Poke, Zilog (GAL)
Year: 2008
Description: New version. New scheme, better compatibility & new design

MBIDE3-SCH PDF file with interface scheme
GAL-V6.4 ZIP file with a EQN and JEDEC  file for GAL programming.
GAL-V6.5 ZIP file with a EQN and JEDEC  file for GAL programming.
NOTE: This version differ from V6.4 only on inverted PORTSEL signal.


Flash II Utility


Autor: LMN
Year: 2008
Description: Upgrade MB02+ EPROM to 64KB or 128KB FLASH memory.

FLASH II ZIP file - tap included utility and source code
Description TXT file
foto1, foto 2 some fotos



MB02+ with 8BCbus 8BCBUS1-reduction 8BCBUS2-reduction K-MOUSE with 8BCbus 8BCbus

Author: LMNof8BC
Description: New version of Spectrum BUS

8BCbus1 project files for production purposes (Formica)
8BCbus2 project files for production purposes (Formica)




Author: LMNof8BC
Description: EasyHDD is a software solution for MB02+ users who are seeking ways of connecting Compact Flash cards or hard drives to their ZX Spectrum system while avoiding difficult configuration.  EasyHDD was primarily developed for usage with CF cards where offering autodetection and autoconfiguration of such media when looking up the first data sector.  The major concept was to allow users to easily configure and share CF cards and exchange data while not sacrifying simplicity of operation.  The system also provides easy means of creating and restoring a backup of entire contents of CF cards on your PC.

EasyHDD105scr source code version 105
EasyHDD105 TAP file - utility itself
EasyHDD104 TAP file - utility itself
mbh-images MBH image files
EasyHDDdoc PDF files with documentation in Czech and English




Author: LMNof8BC
Description: New version of MB-HDD. New scheme, better compatibility & new design

MB-HDD2-foto ZIP file with several photos on how to build the MB-IDE (file size over 4MB).
GAL-V5 ZIP file with a JEDEC file for GAL programming.
MBHDD2.pdf PDF file with interface scheme
Tested_HDD.txt list of tested  HDD and CF


MB-02+ BOOT ROM v3

Author: LMN
Description: boot rom of MB-02+

Bootrom 2KB ZIP file


MB-02+ Schematic

Author: LMN
Description: schematic of MB-02+

MB02plus-schematic Good quality,1MB RAR file
MB02plus-schematic High quality,12MB RAR file!!!
Circuits 300KB ZIP file



Author: LMNof8BC
Description: MB-HDD is IDE interface for ZX-Spectrum and MB-02+ users. The interface has been designed for an easy installation right into the MB-02+. Also please note that you can use the interface independently, i.e. without MB-02+. Tutorial on how to build the interface is also available.

MB-IDE-foto ZIP file with several photos on how to build the MB-IDE (file size over 4MB).
MB-IDE-doc ZIP file; interface scheme + some other docs.
GAL ZIP file with source code + a JEDEC file for GAL programming.


MB Documentation

Author: BUSY & 8BC
Description: various documentation (manuals, technical sheet) in English & Slovak

mbdocs ZIP file


ZXS Multitech Convertor

Author: 8BC
Year: 2002
Description: MultiTech is a technology that allows you to increase attribute resolution on Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Under normal circumstances, each group of 8x8 pixels of ZX screen shares one attribute definition. This limits you to have only 1 color for pixels with value of 0 and 1 color for pixels with value of 1. In other words, you can have only 2 colors out of 8 (or, 15, bright inclusive) for any group of 8x8 pixels. With MultiTech, any group of 8 pixels in a row (8x1) may have its own attribute. To display MultiTech fullscreen, Zilog DMA utilization is necessary. It comes as a part of the disk interface MB-02+ that is produced by 8BC as well. Black & white TV set or monitor strongly recommended! The purpose of this utility is to easily view & convert color/grayscale BMP pictures into grayscale MultiTech.

zxsmlt the ZIP file contains EXE file, source code and the English manual
bmp the ZIP file contains BMP examples (1 MB)


BS-DOS 308 - source code

Autor: BUSY
Popis: Zdrojový text operaèního systému BS-DOS diskového øadièe MB-02+

BSDOS RAR soubor, obsahuje zdrojový text BSDOSu a BSROM


Flash Utility

Autor: LMN
Rok: 2000
Popis: Standardnì je MB-02+ osazeno pamìtí EPROM, která má kapacitu 2KB. V ní je uložen bootovací program (animovaná disketa), který slouží k nataženi operaèního systému (typicky BSDOS). Po jednoduché úpravì lze však Eprom nahradit pamìti typu FLASH, konkrétné tedy 29C256. Ta má kapacitu 32KB a dá se softwarovì pøepisovat.

FLASH TAP soubor obsahuje program, souèasnou verzi BIOSu 003 a zdrojový text
Popis TXT soubor obsahuje popis upravy MB-02+


TornadoX Assembler

Autor: Roelof Koning
Popis: Assembler upravený pro spoupráci s MB-02. Autor úpravy je LaesQ

Tornadox ZIP soubor, obsahuje assembler a nìkolik konverzních utilit
Popis TXT soubor, strucne info


NMI+DEV v1.0

Autor: Hood
Rok: 2001
Popis: Utilita nainstaluje do SRAM pamìti MB-02+ program Devastace a umožòuje ho spouštìt pøes NMI menu.

NMI+DEV TAP soubor, instalaèní instrukce a instalace



Autor: RST7
Rok: 1997
Popis: Jedná se o upravenou èást SATISFACTION dema pro MB-02. Pùvodní verze fungovala pouze na ruských strojích a na +2A. Autorem úpravy je LMN.



Tape->Disk Transfer v1.1

Autor: BLS
Rok: 1996
Popis: Tato malá utilitka slouží ke kopírování souborù z kazet na disk. Maximální délka kopírovaného souboru je 49044 bytes!!!

TD1 TAP soubor


DMA Multitech Accelerator driver

Autor: Omega
Rok: 2000
Popis: Tento driver je ïábelské vylepšení standardního zobrazovacího driveru pro technologii MultiTech, který umožòuje vytváøení šílených efektù v grafickém módu MultiTech, jako napø. scrollování na všechny svìtové strany, najíždìní atd.

DMA_SRC Zdrojový text do programu MRS


ZX-Spectrum MB-02 disk image utilities

Autor: Busy
Rok: 2000
Popis: Soubor obsahuje tøi utilitky pro PC, které slouží k práci se soubory nahranými disketovým systémem BS-DOS.

MB2UTILS MB2UTILS - sada utilit pro práci s disketami na MB-02+


ProTracker 3.31 pro MB-02+

Autor: GDC/Nick/JV GFX
Popis: Hudební AY editor upravený pro spolupráci s MB-02+. Autorem úpravy je HOOD! (jen tak dále)

Program Program ProTracker 3.31 upravený pro spolupráci s MB-02+
Songy Nìkolik songù pro ProTracker
Utility Utility pro práci se soubory programu ProTracker
Demo Ukázkové songy spustitelné bez ProTrackeru


DMA Games


Popis: Úpravou nìkterých her pro používání èipu Z80-DMA je dosaženo vìtší rychlosti a hratelnosti her. Autor úprav je Omega. Omega chystá i nové DMA demo.

Visitors Visitors
I-kar-a International Karate A
I-kar-b International Karate B
Elite Elite



Autor: BLS
Rok: 1998
Popis: Program slouží k elegantnímu nastavení ovladaèe RAMdisku. Jednoduše lze nastavit, které stránky pamìti SRAM lze používat pro RAMdisk, a které lze vyhradit pro další využití jinými aplikacemi.

Ramdrvc RamDrvCfg - konfigurace RAMdisku



Autor: Busy
Popis: Pokud máte ve svém MB-02+ instalován obvod reálného èasu RTC, tak pomocí tohoto prográmku jsi muzete nastavit pøesný èas a datum, nebo jej mùžete využít jen jako spektrácké hodiny.

Mclock MClock - English version
Hodiny MClock - Slovenská verze